A very special THANK YOU to all of our 2018 sponsors,
Royal Flush
Above the Game http://abovethegame.tv/
Amy and Dave Mahon
Andy Yue
Archery Headquarters http://www.archeryhqmn.com/
Becky and John Restad
Cheryl Kiefer
EZ Fabricating, Inc. http://ezfab.net/
Friend of Ladies Pink Poker
Hight & Randall Ltd http://www.personaljeweler.com/
Larrabee - Essig Agency, Inc. http://www.essigagency.com/
Linda Gustafson
Mary and Les Huie
Michels Corporation https://www.michels.us/
Mike Stock
Nancy Schmidt
Naomi Smyrk
Randal Johnsrud
Rochester International Event Center http://www.rochestereventcenter.com/
Schott Distributing Company https://www.facebook.com/schott.distributing
Todd and Liz Grimes
4 of a Kind
Bremer Bank www.bremer.com
Brennan Industries Inc
Creative Costumes and Clothing http://www.creativecostumesandclothing.com/
Diamond Jo Casino www.diamondjo.com
Dodge Country Club http://golfsoutheastmn.com/index.htm
Ground Round http://www.groundround.com
Mark and Tammy Rattle
Rochester Eagles Club Auxiliary http://www.rochestermneaglesclub.com
Ruthann Gansen Brekke
The Chocolate Oasis https://www.facebook.com/pages/The- Chocolate-Oasis/418570810709
Threads Custom Apparel http://www.threadscustomapparel.com/
Full House
Advanced Disposal http://www.advanceddisposal.com/mn/rocheste r/rochester-collection
Byron Pet Clinic www.bryonpetclinic.com
Chars Hair and Nails
Connie Ostoj
Dave Olson
Fat Willy's www.fatwillysburgers.com
Hampton Inn www.rochestermn.hamptoninn.com
Hers http://www.hersclothing.com
Karen Brownlow
Lee Gerads
MEB Resources www.mebresources.com
Med City Mobility www.medcityweb.com
Mister Car Wash http://www.mistercarwash.com/
Northern Hills Golf Club http://www.rochestermn.gov/departments/park /golf/northernhills/
Pine Island Golf Course www.pineislandgolf.com
Serenity Couture http://www.serenityrochester.com/
The Friends and Family of Amy Mahon
Zumbrota Golf Club http://www.zumbrotagolfclub.com/
Andy's Liquor http://andysliquor.com/
Brad and Nancy Currier
Dawn Hopkins
Diana Bush
Jimmy John's www.jimmyjohns.com
Judy Weller
Marilyn Sommerfeldt
Mayo Clinic Cancer Center http://www.mayoclinic.org/departments-centers/mayo-clinic-cancer-center
Michelle Gerlesberger
Sargent's www.sargentsgardens.com
Soccer Advantage www.thesocceradvantage.com
April Nygaard Vilmin
Barb Burton
Carol Passi
Chris Will
Friends of Mary Huie
Jeff Minske
Lynn DeWitz
Sandy LaGosh
Tim Smyrk